Monday, 1 August 2011

Doesn't Time Fly When You're Having Fun!!

So here we are in August 2011! I have been particularly rubbish at keeping my blog up to date! Since I last blogged, we got married :-), had 3 weeks of honeymoon :-) and went back to work :-(

My DH (no longer FH!!), has opened a lighting shop and I am now a Carnegie rather than a Boullin. I don't think it makes it any easier for people though - I now get called Mrs Carnage rather than Miss Bouillon. I think I preferred being a stock cube than a massacre! This is the link to DH's shop on line so like it on Facebook and show some support!

Malmesbury has the Carnival kicking off this week and hopefully the August weather will stay fine to accomodate. It's been an amazing year weather wise so far. Our Wedding day (the day after the Royal Wedding) was blazing hot sunshine so we were really lucky. We had the perfect day and everything came together. My cousin's husband did the most amazing video for us which I have to admit I have on my phone and regularly watch when I'm killing puts a smile on my face and reminds me of what a wonderful day we had and how much love there is! Cheesy I know, but the truth. It was the best day of my life and I had no idea how much I was going to love it so it came as a real surprise!

We had an amazing honeymoon in the Shetland Islands, on the Isle of Bressay in a lighthouse cottage and it was a real shock to the system coming home to busy, hectic lives. We've already booked a return trip which is one of the wonderful things about honeymooning there - we can go and re-live it at almost any time.

I'll attempt to update my blog more often - it's the remembering that's hard to do! Updates on married life and trials and tribulations of being a shop-keepers wife! So far, it's been great as I've got access to a trade account where they do lots of kitchen stuff - I've been very restrained so far and only got a flour dredger and some metal kebab skewers, oh and some electric kitchen scales, and a mixing bowl. Not much really!

The shop looks great though. I had my doubts to start with seeing the yellow walls but it works. I'll have to sneak a picture and post it on a later blog. The obvious downside at the moment is that DH has to work on a Saturday and so far, he's had to go to the trade place on a Sunday so he's not had any time off. Hopefully he'll be able to find someone to cover him for his birthday. He never works on his birthday as it's a Bank Holiday weekend so we try to make the most of it. Still, if the shop is calling, it takes priority for now.

Right, I shall sign off for now....'til next time.

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